
We place the protection of personal data at the top of its priorities. We may collect your personal data (surname, first name, email, address, company/organisation, telephone number and credit card details, if you have paid for a product, as part of its media service and to enable the proper fulfilment of its service to you, as customer.

This data may also be used for statistical and evaluation purposes and to keep you informed of any changes in services concerning you.

Your data will be kept for the duration of the service we provide to you, i.e., for the duration of the subscription and for the five years afterwards as we are required to keep certain information under the law for our own business purposes. This information will be destroyed or archived in accordance with requirements under French law.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation, opposition, deletion and address any request concerning this processing to the Data Protection Officer of the publisher: customer – at – captchamedia - dot - com

Privacy Policy - General

Information About Our Organisation
The publisher of this service is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of our website visitors and customers. We understand that maintaining customer privacy is not only a requirement in many countries of the world but that it is an important factor is building customer relationships.

Providing Visitors With Anonymous Access
You can access our website home page and browse our site without disclosing personal data. Our website does not provide a platform on which visitors can communicate with other visitors or post information to be accessed by others.

Automatic Collection of Information
We collect personal data such as name, address, country, contact details, time of orders placed and any credit card details placed for the following purposes: technical administration of the website, product development, order processing, customer administration, subscription renewal and marketing. We do not use cookies to store personal data, nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals. We allow customers and other visitors who provide information to us to opt out of receiving further communications from us at any time, except where necessary for the processing of orders, subscriptions or other requests.

Data Collection and Purpose Specification
We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations. If we wish to use personal data for a new purpose, we would provide you with the option to consent to this new purpose by contacting you using the contact details provided. If we cannot contact you, or if you do not consent, we would not use this information.

Confidentiality and Security Issues
All our employees and data processors, who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ personal data. We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to state institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation. We do not disclose personally identifiable data provided by customers to our website to other organisations. The sole exception is that credit card details are provided to our banking institution for the sole purpose of processing orders or subscriptions placed on our website and renewing subscription orders as outlined in our terms and conditions. Such information is not provided to any other third party. All personal information is transmitted on the order form on our website by secure means. Information is protected from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss.

Access to the Personal Data We May Hold About You
Customers who place orders or subscriptions or make table of contents requests from us can check the information we hold at any time by emailing We may require proof of identity to process such requests. Under normal circumstances, we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data that we keep within a week. Such information may be corrected by you if it is wrong. We will provide such information without charge. Under rare circumstances we reserve the right to refuse to provide visitors with a copy of their personal data.

This service is provided by Captcha Media SASU, a company incorporated in France in 2016.